Tomato Lemonade

8/29/2016 Nimi 0 Comments

Lemon Juice also known as Lemonade is all time favourite for many. I tried blending this with other fruits and vegetables guess what !!! The results are remarkable. Tomato lemonade is easy to make and do not need any fancy ingredients.


  1. Ripe tomatoes - 2 large or cherry tomatoes.
  2. Lemon
  3. Mint leaves - 10 - 15
  4. Sugar as needed
  5. Chaat masala - as needed (optional)


  1. Cut tomatoes and remove the seed portion, chop finally.
  2. Extract juice from the lemon, use 1 lemon for 500 ml of juice.
  3. In a blender add all ingredients and blend to make a coarse paste, then add water blend well.
  4. Strain the juice using a sieve. Blend the left over with more water if needed.
Enjoy the drink with ice or you may refrigerate and serve chilled. 

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